Fundus Examination

Fundus Examination

Category: Eye Examination


1. What Is Fundus Examination ?

  • A non-invasive eye test to view the retina, optic disc, and blood vessels at the back of the eye.

  • Helps detect eye conditions like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration.

  • Done using a specialized microscope with a camera

2. What To Expect During Your Fundus Examination ?

  • The optometrist will use a fundus camera to examine the back of your eye.

  • The procedure takes about 3-5 minutes and may feel a bit uncomfortable due to bright light, but it is painless.

3. Process of Fundus Examination

  • Examination: Optometrist uses fundus camera to examine retinal structures.

  • Evaluation: Photos are reviewed for any abnormalities.

4. Benefits of Fundus Examination

  • Early detection of eye diseases, even before symptoms appear.

  • Helps monitor conditions for patients with diabetes or high blood pressure.

  • Provides a detailed view of eye health and overall health indicators.

FAQs About Fundus Examination

  • Is it painful ?
    No, it’s painless but may be slightly uncomfortable due to the light.

  • How often should I get a fundus exam ?
    Annually, or as recommended by your optometrist.

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